Saturday, August 5, 2023

Hot, Heat Enough Already

 How I feel.  Right now, as I am writing this, not at my best.  I didn’t sleep well due to the heatwave presently sitting over Texas.  I have gotten acclimated to being hot at work but usually at home there is an oasis so to speak to retreat in to.  El Niño weather?  All I know is the switch was flipped back before Memorial Day and somebody broke it off.  I don’t know if it is related but I noticed a plethora of grasshoppers with a large red spot on them show up before the heat cranked up.  The last time I remember seeing a bunch of this type of grasshopper was the last El Niño period.  Anyway it’s hot and I don’t feel all that great.  Guess I will stay inside.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

My Ego

 I have been reading Ryan Holiday’s book EGO IS THE ENEMY off and on for quite a while.  I started it over a year ago and put it down due to an example of my ego getting in my way.  Ironically,  I failed to learn what I had read so far but I am trying.  

Can you imagine the mind game that my ego is playing inside my head?  Don’t read that book.  You don’t like something the writer said somewhere else, so you should ignore him.  As if learning how to recognize the lessons in the book as vital to living a purposeful life is threatening to you right now.

What?  Wait?  Fight or flight impulses be damned.  Reading a book is the terrible end that ego is protecting me from?  I am embarrassed that I allowed that thought train onto the tracks in the first place.  Isn’t that what the book is ultimately about?

Saturday, July 29, 2023


 Wow.  It has been a while since I was here.  I didn’t go anywhere.  I just haven’t been here.  Weird isn’t it?  I been looking everywhere but here.  Nope.  Don’t follow anyone or anything to your desires. 

I remember a younger me.  The one that wanted to write.  The one that listened to everyone else’s thoughts and opinions on who I should be, everyone but myself.  Here I am, all the years later, looking at everywhere I have been and thinking where I should be.


Saturday, September 3, 2022

The Day After The Day

 Yesterday is gone.  I am older.  Now is all that matters.  

I can look forward to events scheduled in the future with anticipation but I can’t hurry them into existence.  

I can see it but it isn’t here.  What do I do while waiting?

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Elon Is a Boss

 It has been a minute.  Just checking in.  Nothing really burning in my thoughts.  Elon Musk bought Twitter.  He has a plan.  He is a boss.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

February 12th

 Today is special.  I guess every day is special to someone in the scheme of things but today, well you know is…special.

February 12,1998 was my daughter’s date of birth so I am celebrating her coming in to my life.  I remember holding her.  I never held a newborn before, ever.  She changed my life.

I now have three more daughter’s by marriage and the oldest shares my daughter’s birthday.  That’s right  February 12th is special.

Saturday, January 29, 2022


 Trust is important.  In every situation, it is the bedrock that all personal interactions are built.  Once trust is lost or broken it can be repaired or re-earned but only if the offending person or entity is willing to put forth the effort.  

If only…