How many of you know someone so well that you instantly know when they are hurting or insecure before they ever show it?
How many of you know that person knows you that well too?
You can't hide or dismiss your emotions when they know something is wrong. You have to face your fears and hope they understand. You travel through your emotional valley while they hold you. You see others searching the way you did and you wonder how you have gotten so lucky to have the one in your life who loves you unconditionally. All the others dismissed or cast you aside as if you were unworthy of their love right?
Do not give up.
Hold fast to your beliefs.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; in all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the LORD and turn away from evil."
Proverbs 3 vs. 5-7