Friday, March 25, 2011

Logic vs. Emotion

I don't react to every emotion I experience.  I just don't.  I decided some years ago that reacting to an emotion without thinking about why or when the reaction is appropriate was a waste of your time.  How many times have you witnessed someone loose their cool because they gave into a base emotion?  It is funny to watch unless their anger is aimed at you.  I mean, they claim they cannot control the emotion once it appears in their mind, like they are a puppet, or the operating system runs the programming automatically without their consent.  You know it doesn't work that way because if it did we would have become extinct a long long time ago. 
I say all this for no particular reason, just wanted to...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

WOW Has It Been This Long?

I realized that it has been a while since my last post and I wanted to share a few thoughts.

Being married to the wrong person and not knowing

Divorce is never easy even when you can't wait to get away from that wrong person.

Finding the right person at the right time is a miracle...God is good.

I am ready to move on with my life with my soul mate.

I love you Gail.  I want to spend the rest of my life with you.