Thursday, January 13, 2022

Allergic Reaction

 Okay.  2022 is off to a not so good start.  As I blogged earlier, I was sick to start the New Year after being exposed to Covid on December 31, 2021.  I tested negative and was prescribed Bactrim and a course of oral Steroids which I started taking on January 4th.  I missed a couple of days work and muddled through with sinus congestion from the infection.  I kept experiencing a metallic taste after taking the two medications together and I thought it was the after taste of the steroid pill since I had taken Bactrim before.  Again I muddled through and finished the course of steroids on Sunday morning.  I still had several days of the Bactrim left.

I wake for work on Monday morning, take the Bactrim and sit down to put my work boots on when I notice itching on inside of my biceps near both elbows.  I take an allergy pill and don’t give it another thought.  I take the second Bactrim that evening with dinner then off to bed.

I awake to my hands itching between my fingers and get up to use the restroom when I notice allergic whelps all over my body especially on my legs and torso.  My hands are bright red.  I take another allergy pill and fall back to sleep until I can get in to see the doctor.  I go get a steroid shot and was told to discontinue taking the Bactrim. 

So I am allergic to penicillin and now sulfur based antibiotics?  I am just now feeling well.  I am glad it isn’t the Shingles.  

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