Monday, November 22, 2010


I have been holding off on writing about Faith for some time.  Faith is a paradox in a way.  You have to believe in faith to have it.  There is the whole which came first (the chicken or the egg) debate.  Do I have it because I believe?  Or do I believe because I have faith?   Well here goes...

I cannot imagine life without faith.  Even when everything seemed stacked against me.  My darkest hour was in 2009.  My life as I knew it was smoldering in a large pile of pain and anguish.  If there ever was a time for me to doubt that was it.  Instead of cursing my fate, I prayed for forgiveness for all the things I did and didn't do. I accepted responsibility for where I was and the failure that was hitting me squarely in the face. I knew God was with me right then and there.  I just knew.  I believed in my faith in God's love for me.  The faith that sprung forth from inside my soul.  It carried me forward from that blackest of black day.  It carries me still. 

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Trust is a valuable commodity but then it isn't something that can purchased for any price.  You cannot measure it out as needed.  It can't be summoned at one's will.  You know deep inside when it is present and your mind shouts when it isn't.  A person can build trust but they cannot manufacture it.  You can't transfer it from one relationship to another.  It has to be.  It is or it isn't.  You decide. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Have you ever wondered what Heaven will be like?  I think love gives us a glimpse of the divine every time we experience it in it's truest form.  A touch, a caress, a kiss.  A love that burns the soul with the brightest of white light.  A light that fills every crook and crevasse of your being.  Nothing can hide from it.  Yes, that is the kind of love the world is searching for.  Heaven here on Earth.   

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Time Apart

I miss you Melanie.  I want you to be happy.  Your smile in your photographs light up the darkness that is the time we are apart.  I still see you as my little girl even now.  I love you and I always will no matter how far apart we may be. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

November 1st, 2010

Love to everyone.  No really I am sending thoughts of love to everyone right now.