Sunday, July 30, 2023

My Ego

 I have been reading Ryan Holiday’s book EGO IS THE ENEMY off and on for quite a while.  I started it over a year ago and put it down due to an example of my ego getting in my way.  Ironically,  I failed to learn what I had read so far but I am trying.  

Can you imagine the mind game that my ego is playing inside my head?  Don’t read that book.  You don’t like something the writer said somewhere else, so you should ignore him.  As if learning how to recognize the lessons in the book as vital to living a purposeful life is threatening to you right now.

What?  Wait?  Fight or flight impulses be damned.  Reading a book is the terrible end that ego is protecting me from?  I am embarrassed that I allowed that thought train onto the tracks in the first place.  Isn’t that what the book is ultimately about?

Saturday, July 29, 2023


 Wow.  It has been a while since I was here.  I didn’t go anywhere.  I just haven’t been here.  Weird isn’t it?  I been looking everywhere but here.  Nope.  Don’t follow anyone or anything to your desires. 

I remember a younger me.  The one that wanted to write.  The one that listened to everyone else’s thoughts and opinions on who I should be, everyone but myself.  Here I am, all the years later, looking at everywhere I have been and thinking where I should be.
