Saturday, January 29, 2011

Swine Flu or Not?

About two weeks ago, I bit the inside of my cheek so friggin hard it bled right then and I had to chew on the other side of my mouth to keep from biting my cheek in the same spot over and over. I babied it for a day or two just to be safe. I am telling you this because earlier this week that bite area of my cheek became swollen and painful for no apparent reason. I put pain medicine on it, I took pain medicine, heck I even went to see the dentist to stop the pain (he told me to garggle with warm salty water). Nothing was working. It wasn't a wasted trip. ( I had my teeth cleaned and checked so I am good for six months.) ...and now for the rest of the story as the Late Mr. Harvey would say.

I left the dentist office and rejoiced in the fact that it didn't cost me any money out of pocket for advice that I was told since I was a child. I began to shiver uncontrollably like I still lived in Michigan and I was outside with shorts and a t-shirt on in January. OK time to check for fever right? Yep, you got it 101.5 F a nice little fever to go along with my aching mouth. I spend the next day in bed waiting for the fever to break. I think I had the flu because I had a low grade fever off and on since Monday. I didn't have the body wait a minute...that's right my cheek hurts and no damn pain pill is gonna cure my ill cause it just isn't. (sorry the Late Mr. Palmer I borrowed your line) So the fever breaks and off to work I go yesterday. I take every flu medicine or cough drop I can to deaden the pain in my cheek until I had an epipheny admist all my itching last night, maybe it is an allergic reaction to:
  • (a) something I ate or drank
  • (b) one of the medicines I took
  • (c) all of the above
I am leaning towards answer #c only because there wasn't an (d) answer on this multiple choice. I take two allergy pills and sleep on my hands so I don't itch my skin to a nice ruby red color. Oh, I know you have figured out that I didn't get the flu shot this year. I never have gotten a flu shot. Until this week it has been at least fifteen years since I had the flu. It was my turn in the barrel that is all, right?

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